5th Year Senior Attacks W

Who throws a shoe?  Honestly.

Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe

All of you can tell I am wound a little tight right now and there are many reasons for that. I live in SC, my woman lives in WV, and Lauren (my right hand) has carpel tunnel. Also, we have fans that hate and cannot congratulate.  It’s frustrating to deal with.

The list is not that long but there is some venom…
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Cleaning Out The Cobwebs

Now that my mom has cleaned up the Halloween decorations from my room, I figured I should clean out some thoughts and anger that have cluttered my mind. If you think Halloween movies are scary, just read on about the thoughts that randomly come into my head during the day.
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Things That Make Me Want To Throw My Shoe

I will be wearing the above boat shoes on Saturday. If you are hit with one of them, I’m sorry, I have really bad aim. I have a feeling I will want to throw them at fans more than the football team or coaches. While I am upset with our football teams performance, I am just as pissed at our fan’s reaction to everything.

Nonsense and stupidity to follow…
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Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe


This past weekend I made the long boring journey from the low country of SC to the hills of Morgantown. While I was not able to watch a ton of the other college football action this weekend, I do have some insightful observations that will surely rattle a few cages.

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Cleaning Out The Closet


The trees are buddinging, the birds are singing, and my room is starting to smell like someone pissed in my duck boots back in December. So fuckers, I’m cleaning out my closet and getting rid of a lot of shoes.

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Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe!

I need a pair of these

Alright, By-Godders, I have been building to a boil over the last few weeks and I’m going to let off some steam and throw some shoes. I should really start to write stuff down because I get mad and then forget what I’m mad about. Oh well, here goes nothing…

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Stewart Mandel….SCHALAP!!

Shoe to the face

Stewart Mandel has written a pretty scathing article about WVU fans, here. It pissed me off, I took off my shoe and here are my reactions. Editor’s Note: 5thYear did not think before writing this tirade Continue reading

Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoes!


Alright, By-Godders I’m pissed, the shoes are off, and I’m just going to let fly a few things I’ve been holding in the last few weeks.
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Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe!

Thursday night was one those nights that makes you go hmmm. WVU looked to be rolling to a huge statement on national TV but stumbled down the stretch to barely squeak out a W. I’ve had to calm down and take a few Percocet since Thursday but I’m still pissed.

The powers that be in the Big East need to rethink their priorities and give the us a Big East home game in October. It was not that cold on Thursday but we are the Beast of the East and deserve a more dispersed Big East home schedule. A look at USF’s schedule shows the Big East gave them a break with only one “cold weather” game.


If you are one of the fans that went “BOOOOO” on Thursday, look at the palm of your hand and then smack yourself with it. Even if the play-calling and execution left something to be desired at times, boooing is not the way to inspire an improved performance.


I love the “The Pride,” but why the hell are you trying to start the wave when Louisville is driving down the field to tie the game. The wave should be banned at Mountaineer Field, I just punched my desk. Thats all I’m going to say because every time The Pride plays Simple Gifts I get chills.


Everyone, including myself, need to stop freaking out about Steve Slaton and his one fumble. The Louisville defender had the perfect hit and just put his helmet on the ball. He is still averaging 5.3 yards a carry. Give him a break and watch him rush for over 150 yards against Cincy.


I hate the people that left this games early to beat the traffic. Basically two rows in front of us were empty before Patrick White’s last run. My dad even yelled, “Have a nice drive you idiots,” to one couple that left right after Louisville kicked us the ball for our final drive.

Finally, to the guy a few rows behind me that told me to sit down on a first down play during Louisville’s final scoring drive I did say, “Fuck You,” in case you couldn’t hear.

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Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe!

In all honesty, there should not be much to be upset about after the dismantling of Rutgers on Saturday. But I’m 5th Year Senior and I get pissed off about not being pissed off. Let the Dew rage begin…

WTAE in Pittsburgh let me ask you something. Who in the hell would want to watch Pitt v. Louisville instead of WVU v. Rutgers? Shit fans would rather watch our game. Because of its decision to show the Pitt game, I had to watch the WVU game without HD.

I feel sorry for those of you without HD cable, it is the best thing since Koozie’s. Once you have HD it is impossible to go back. To me it is like having sex without a condom and then having to go back to wearing those pleasure preventers.


Why in the hell does Stewart Street still get a fucking green light? The road is closed because of construction which means there is no damn traffic. If I have to wait one more time through that damn light I may go to city council and throw a shoe at Ron Justice.


Does Rutgers not believe in proper drainage? There were puddles of water on that damn field, which is just not acceptable.


Please God stop all future announcers from using the nickel/five and dime to describe White and Slaton. It makes my ears bleed and does not do them justice. Call them badass mother fucker (BAMF) and slayer.


Will someone please tell that kid in the Sportsmanship commercial that nobody will take him seriously if his pants are around his neck. Why is this kid trying to be a 90 year old retiree? Kid, you are 12 years old find some baggy pants, sag’em, and make your mom yell at you for walking on the cuffs.

I need to start taking some Bayer Aspirin because my heart is in trouble.
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Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe

Sometimes silly things really piss me off and let’s just say that this weekend was full of silliness. Homecoming weekend will be responsible for at least three of my future heart attacks. If I wrote down everything that made me want to throw my shoe through somebody’s sphincter on Saturday, it would be longer than the list of people Britney Spears slept with last night.

  • OK, people, it was our third home game and I maybe saw 4 people rocking during the opening video. When the video says “Time to Rock”, you rock like you never have rocked before! In case you don’t know how to rock simply lean back and then lean forward. Do this repeatedly until you are supposed to start clapping/going crazy.
  • Hey cheerleaders, why in the hell are you trying to start a “Let’s Go Mountaineers” cheer when we are on offense? I think the hairspray and make-up has gone to your brain. You are supposed to shut the hell up when we have the ball. If you are in the stands and someone beside you participates in this cheer while we have the ball, I give you permission to break your empty bottle of Jack over their head.
  • Please, I beg of you, for the love of God no more waves. It distracts everyone from the game and really sucks the life out of the crowd. This team is giving their all on the field but you would rather watch the rest of the crowd stand up, throw their hands over the head, and go WOOO. (sigh)
  • Titus Brown of Mississippi State is an asshole. He hit Patrick White late on at least three plays. White was slow getting up on one of those occasions and I had visions of making Mr. Brown squeal like a piggy.

To calm down from these traumatic moments I came home and stared at this for a couple hours.

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Things That Made Me Want To Throw My Shoe!

Anger is something that comes and goes quickly, unless you’re George W. Bush and are still pissed that Iraq tried to kill your daddy (Editor’s Note: WBGV does not support any political cause or party, save for the Whig Party). For me, a WVU victory can ease the rage that has built up over a long week of people cutting me off in traffic and kicking me out of Golden Corral. I figured out “all-you-can-eat” does not allow you to sleep at your table between feedings.

However, the people are clamoring for it so here is your weekly installment of things that made me want to throw my shoe.


The refs during Saturday’s game were either drunk, which would be alright, or just complete idiots. These idiots reminded me of Perlo Bastien trying to remember to STOP receivers from scoring touchdowns.


USC lost to a 40 point dog, at home, and they are still ahead of us in the USA Today poll. Michigan lost to an Appalachian State team that has won back to back Division I-AA championships and dropped out of the top 25. USC gets beat by Stanford, with a first time starter at QB, and doesn’t drop out of the top 10. That pisses me off more than when my girlfriend broke up with me the day after I passed up sleeping with a HOT blonde catholic girl.


Guess who did not watch the game on Saturday? All I will say is that Stiles watched the mauling of Syracuse at my house.


Finally, I hate watching sporting events that are not in HD. ESPN regional SUCKS

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